Atmoph is going to promote again our unique welfare that support member’s adventures
This article is Japanese text only.
Atmoph is going to promote again our unique welfare that support member’s adventures
This article is Japanese text only.
3 screen set for Atmoph Window 2 | Disney [Bioplastic] is available
This three-screen set for Atmoph Window 2 | Disney [Bioplastic] is less expensive than purchasing these units separately...
Downloadable version of Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING Vol. 2 is Available!
With captivating scenes from "DEATH STRANDING" to enjoy, a downloadable version of Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING Vol. 2 is available for purchase to anyone with the Atmoph Window 2...
The 4th View of the scene from Coruscant is available for Atmoph Window 2 | Star Wars
A city-covered planet, Coruscant is added to as the 4th limited view of Atmoph Window 2 | Star Wars...
Atmoph Referral Campaign is coming up!
For a limited-time offer from June 20th to June 30th (JST), the reward for Atmoph’s referral program is up for $20 for you, and give your friends a $30 discount at the Atmoph store...
Scam Sites that Misuse Our Company Name
We’ve found some scam sites that misused our company name, Atmoph...
Shin Kyoto Release Giveaway
To celebrate the release of Shin Kyoto, we have a special gift campaign only for users in Japan...
Bringing Your Home into the Metaverse - The Future City of 2060, Shin Kyoto, brought to you by Atmoph Studios on Unreal Engine 5
Following up on the World of Dinosaurs, Atmoph Studios is now releasing the second entry in their line of original CG content with Shin Kyoto...
From Atmoph, new Views of the City Sample, a 3D virtual city in Unreal Engine 5, filmed by in-game photographer Petri Levälahti
Set in a virtual city with towering skyscrapers and traffic flowing across intersecting freeways that you can hardly tell from the real thing...
The long-awaited view, "Cats in a Living Room," has just been added to Atmoph Window 2 with the help of KARIMOKU CAT
We've added "Cats in a Living Room" that cats are playing with KARIMOKU CAT to our Views! KARIMOKU CAT...
Added views from a sound composition by Toshiyuki Yasuda as "Next Room" View series
We added views from a sound composition by Toshiyuki Yasuda from TIME (The Institute of Music and Environment) as Atmoph’s "Next Room" View series of interior spaces.
v3.4 Soundscape Release
Atmoph Software Development Team Member Nakano here.Today, we’re releasing a new system update for the Atmoph Window 2, version 3.4.13!This release includes a lot of new features and improvements...
Added views from factories in Kyoto as Atmoph’s "Next Room" View series
We added 7 views from a scrap factory and workplace of Japanese traditional craft in Kyoto as Atmoph’s "Next Room" View series of interior spaces...
A special Edition Pass, to be able to download a View from Star Wars scenes is on sale now!
A special Edition Pass, to be able to download a View from Star Wars scenes is on sale now...
Connect with the world of "DEATH STRANDING" on the Atmoph Window 2 with 2nd volume of its Edition Pass, pre-orders start today
“Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING” will be available for purchase to anyone with the Atmoph Window 2, with captivating scenes from DEATH STRANDING to enjoy...
Atmoph Window 2 | Disney has updated to environmentally sustainable by using bioplastic and Mickey voice and icons have been added, too.
This is for Japan only.
Atmoph Studios presents its first original CG project with a look into the world of dinosaurs
Set in Australia over one hundred million years ago during the Cretaceous Period, we've resurrected dinosaurs from the Cretaceous by utilizing Atmoph’s CG...
Historical tea garden and "Matcha" tea factory are added as the series of "Next Room"
We've added 7 views from Horii Shichimeien, which is the Japanese tea company, workshops in Japanese traditional crafts, and performances of dancing by Maiko as part of Atmoph’s "Next Room" View series of interior spaces....
Features that could dive into the world of "DEATH STRANDING" are added
New features for views of "DEATH STRANDING" are on! Decorations that express the random appearance of the mysterious "BTs," with sound and 'Like" features...
Gesture Control is on!
Version 3.3.11 has just rolled it out! With this update, the Gesture through Camera Module is on....
Shipping Fee Change
Shipping Fee ChangeThank you for visiting our Atmoph Store. Due to the impact on COVID-19 with our shipping, such as...
“Dagobah” has added to the third Views of Atmoph Window 2 | Star Wars
We’re excited to tell you that the scene from “Dagobah” has just added as a third exclusive View of Atmoph Window 2 | Star Wars...
Changed release date of Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING to March, 2022
We’ve changed the schedule of release data of Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING Download version to March 2022...
Post & Share with #AtmophPorter if your cargo has arrived
Hope you enjoy the views from Atmoph Window 2 | DEATH STRANDING. The special package for Atmoph Frame is designed based on the image of Porter’s cargo...