Refer a friend, Get $15+ and Give $25+ discount
Hi travellers, we’re so thrilled to announce that our referral program has just started! As our core passion is to make the every day an adventure through Atmoph Window 2....
Refer a friend, Get $15+ and Give $25+ discount
Hi travellers, we’re so thrilled to announce that our referral program has just started! As our core passion is to make the every day an adventure through Atmoph Window 2....
We’ve added Korean and Traditional Chinese to our Atmoph website
We’ve added to Korean and Traditional Chinese to our Atmoph website...
Our CEO wrote for journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
This article is Japanese only.
Updating Shipping Schedule for LED Module
Thank you for ordering LED Light Module. We would like to again express our sincere gratitude for your patience in waiting for the arrival of your product...
New bonus for Atmoph Window 2 pre-orders!
Pre-order your Basic (White/Black) model and get up to 3 months free on the Limitless plan!The most popular model of Atmoph Window 2, the Basic (White/Black) model....
Updating Shipping Schedule
Thank you for ordering Atmoph Window 2. We would like to again express our sincere gratitude for your patience in waiting for the arrival of your product...
Atmoph Window 2 | Star Wars is in display.
This article is for Japan only.
The first limited edition of ‘Atmoph Window 2 | Star Wars’ are now SOLD OUT.
The first limited edition of ‘Atmoph Window 2 | Star Wars’ are now SOLD OUT...
A new Live spot, Onjuku in Japan has just been added to AW.
We did it! A new Live spot has just been added to AW. Onjuku is used for the rocket test site of Chiba Institute of Technology...
Updating Shipping schedule
Thank you very much for ordering Atmoph Window 2.We would like to thank you also for your kind patience during the long period since your pre-order until today...
Updating Shipping Schedule
This article is in Japanese only.
Celebrate this coming Star Wars Day!
To celebrate this coming Star Wars Day, we have 2 exciting news for you....
Atmoph Window 2 original Disney View of the Maleficent is now released.
Thank you for your patience! The 3rd Atmoph Window 2 original Disney View of the photorealistic world of Maleficent is now released.
Introducing the Smart Remote, "Nature Remo 3"
Nature Remo 3 is a smart remote that can control the Atmoph Window 2.Linking both devices, and control Atmoph Window 2 much smarter!
Updated Shipping Schedule of Atmoph Window 2 | Star Wars
This article is Japanese only.
Updating Shipping Schedule of 5th lot
We thank you very much for your Atmoph Window 2 order. We most appreciate your support and enduring patience from the time of your order up until today...
Atmoph Window 2 | Star Wars will available from Friday, Feb 26!
This Article is for Japan only.
Atmoph Window 2 original Disney View of the photorealistic world of Lion King (2019) is now released.
Thank you for your patience! The second Atmoph Window 2 original Disney View of the photorealistic world of Lion King (2019) is now released...
Shipping Delays in 5th lot
Thank you for ordering Atmoph Window 2 (Basic or Wood). We must sincerely apologize for the delays caused due to the scarcity of stock following the popularity of this product. We would like to further express our sincere gratitude for your kind patience...
Atmoph Window 2 [Wood] : Updating shipping schedule
To our supporters waiting on delivery of their Atmoph Window 2 (Wood frame), we would like to truly thank you for your patience...
Look out your Window, onto the world of Disney!
Today, we're really thrilled to tell you this amazing news. It has taken four years to take this idea and turn it into a reality. Now, Atmoph Window 2 / Disney is here!
Shipping schedule update for 3rd lot
This article is for Japan only.
How is Atmoph being used?
This article is for Japan only.
Atmoph Window 2:Notification of Delivery Delay
Thank you for ordering Atmoph Window 2. We are very sorry that we have to let our customers who have been looking forward to the arrival of their Atmoph Window 2....