Connect with the world of "DEATH STRANDING" on the Atmoph Window 2 with 2nd volume of its Edition Pass, pre-orders start today

大好評につき第2弾。ゲーム『DEATH STRANDING』の世界といつでもつながれる風景パスを予約開始

“Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING” will be available for purchase to anyone with the Atmoph Window 2, with captivating scenes from "DEATH STRANDING" to enjoy. Fans all over the world have raved about the first installment of the Edition Pass, released in January 2022: “You feel like you’re experiencing what the main character Sam feels.” “It’s like you’re seeing the world of the game just outside your window.” And there’s more to come with the release of the second volume.

About “Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDINGVol. 2”

“Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING Vol. 2” adds a new lineup of five Views that surpasses the first. You can experience the world of "DEATH STRANDING" from your own room with the Atmoph Window 2, from beaches soaked in the light of the setting sun, to the inside of one of the many Distribution Centers you visit during the game. Through the Daily Routines feature, you can schedule and manage various functions of the Atmoph Window 2 as you like, including alarms featuring five new sounds from "DEATH STRANDING", immersing you in the thrill of the game as you go about your day.

Detailed Information for the “Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING Vol. 2”

The design for the second volume is inspired by the logo of Fragile Express and can be enjoyed alongside the first iteration’s Bridges logo design.

Product Name: Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING Vol. 2
Price:$54.00 (Tax vary by country)
Will start to ship in May.
Sales Location:

  • A downloadable version purchasable through the Atmoph Window 2 will be released at a later date.
  • Both the Package Version and the Downloadable Version will have identical software features.
Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING Vol. 2

Edition Pass | DEATH STRANDING Vol. 2

Regular price ¥5,940
Regular price Sale price ¥5,940
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