Messages of Support from Our Videographers


We’ve gotten some very kind messages to commemorate Atmoph’s 50th country and the reveal of Atmoph Window Yo from all of our videographers who travel around the world. We want to thank them so much for their kind words.In addition to the messages, they also provided some commentary on filming locations where they filmed Views that left a particular impression. It takes all sorts of adventures - dealing with ever changing weather conditions, traveling for thousands of kilometers, and learning about each country’s particular culture - before a View can come to the Atmoph Window.

Since many of you have been wondering what exactly the story is behind the filming of the Views you see from your windows, let’s look at what it’s like on the other side of the camera.

Messages from the Videographers

Kei Ohnaka

Kei started his career at Iino Mediapro Co., Ltd., before becoming independent in 2006. His photography expertise is mainly in landscapes, interiors, commercial products for advertisements, books, and catalogs. He is also a videographer. As a contemporary artist, he has exhibited and won awards for his works around the world.

Why the Country and Filming Location Left an Impression

Guilin, China

Once I got to my destination, I went out to look for a place to film, but found that it took more time to get around than I expected. It truly is a huge place. While they had some buses to get around, since I didn’t understand Chinese, it was tough to buy anything when I was there. There were hardly any other Japanese people in the town, and everyone would try to speak to me in Chinese despite me not understanding any of it.

Since I couldn’t talk with anyone around me, every little thing became a Herculean task. I got the impression that it would be tough for anyone who wasn’t used to traveling. It’s definitely an interesting place for travel experts who want to enjoy the local flavor and don’t mind being inconvenienced.

Message to Atmoph

Congratulations on Atmoph Window Yo and 50 countries! That’s amazing! I’m sure it wasn’t an easy journey, but you made it like I knew you would! I hope you keep challenging yourselves to make innovative things. From the bottom of my heart, I’m wishing for your success, and that Atmoph Window Yo can bring lots of people enjoyment and enrich their lives. I’m looking forward to what amazing things you can accomplish!

Masaya Kato

Filmmaker based out of Berlin, Germany. After starting filming for Atmoph, he has worked in various fields as a videographer, including street sports and fashion.

Why the Country and Filming Location Left an Impression
Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan

The mix of the hectic atmosphere of the streets and the appearance of the mosques in Samarkand in Uzbekistan was pretty intriguing. Filming in Kazakhstan spanned 3 days and 1,200 km. I had perfect weather, not a cloud in the sky, and no wind shaking the plant life, nor birds or bugs. Not even a sound or anyone around. With only shadows to tell the passage of time, I was a little worried about how it would look on through the window, but it was so impressive I thought I’d give it a shot.

Message to Atmoph
Congratulations on Atmoph’s 50th country! It was an honor to take part in this big project, even if I’m only a small part of it. I always feel like filming for Atmoph is like treasure hunting. When normally filming for the window, I always make all sorts of plans and predictions, but nothing ever goes as I expect.A fog rolls in and clouds up the beautiful scenery, unexpected construction messes up a shot, or a violent storm won’t let me keep my tripod up. I always have to play things by ear, but when I do, I find a spectacular scene that is totally different from what I expected to see. Coming across those kinds of views feels just like I discovered a treasure.

Toshinori Tarui

Born in Okayama in 1950, Toshinori started his career at Fujifilm as a contract photographer when he was 23. He later contracted with Nankai Electric Railway, where he been for 45 years, photographing the landscapes along the railway. He is continually fascinated with views like those of Mount Kōya and countries around the world.

I started taking photos for the Nankai Railway when I was 23, which was when I started to shoot at Mt. Kōya. It’s been 50 years since then, and 1,200 years since the foundation of the temple at Mt. Kōya, which has now become a World Heritage Site, and has been featured in all kinds of media as the preeminent Buddhist temple mountain complex in Japan. I’ve been a part of exhibitions, photo collections and media stories on it, and even now I continue to shoot there.I’ve been taught about many things here: the beauty of the four seasons, the invigorating feeling of this sacred place atop a mountain 900 meters above sea level, the wonder of monks in training chanting Vajrayana mantras. In my heart, it feels like home.

※The above 2 Views are not included in Atmoph’s View lineup.

Message to Atmoph

I started filming scenes for the window at the request of my daughter Yoko who works for Atmoph. I’m grateful to everyone everywhere who has seen my work and enjoyed it and so happy that they were able to. Thank you.

Tadashi Tawarayama

Shooting for advertisements and magazines, he has done promotion video shoots for Google, etc. As an executive photographer for CLUTCH Magazine since 2011, he travels the world, working with key players in fields like fashion and lifestyle. Founder/CEO of Seven Bros. Pictures in Santa Monica, California.

Why the Country and Filming Location Left an Impression
Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia

As part of the Atmoph filming project, I’ve had a number of opportunities to film at tons of picturesque spots, but the country and location that left the biggest impression was the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia.

In the early morning before sunrise when stars were still in the sky, the pale pink color of the sky starting to reflect off the surface of the water, the horizon disappeared, making it feel as if I were floating in outer space. It made me truly appreciate the grandeur of the Earth. I hope that everyone can visit this amazing place at least once in their lives.

Message to Atmoph
Atmoph’s amazing project has enriched my life. I live somewhere in the US with a lot of nature, so I’ve come to believe that it’s valuable and important to be able to see beautiful scenery outside of your window. Only through the hard work and enthusiasm of the Atmoph team was it possible to realize this concept and see the development through. I hope you can keep coming up with many more amazing, exciting projects in the future!

Jun Hayashibara

Born in Osaka in December, 1983, Jun has worked at television production companies as well as photography studios. He joined Fuji Photo House as a photographer in 2016. He likes mountain climbing and in his free time travels to mountains around Japan with his camera.

Why the Country and Filming Location Left an Impression
Yakushima, Japan

The moss-covered forests of Shiratani Unsui Ravine and the woods of Jomon-sugi and Yakushima were more majestic than I could have imagined.

They say that in the very rainy Yakushima it rains 35 days out of the month. However, with the sound of the rain and the trees swaying in the wind, I had a relaxing and luxurious though short stay. There were a number of places I wasn’t able to shoot while I was there, so I’ll definitely be going back.

Message to Atmoph
Congratulations on 50 countries. I’m pleasantly surprised that you’ve managed to film in so many countries on such an incredible scale so quickly. I’m looking forward to seeing how it evolves in the future!

What do you think? Every view has its own story, and we think getting to know them makes you appreciate them a bit more.Though we at Atmoph have released Views from 50 countries, we’re still filming in a number of countries and areas we still haven’t been able to film in before.

We hope you look forward to us bringing you a new world you’ve never seen before. If there are any countries you’d like to see us make Views for, please let us know!
