NEW! Breathtaking power of Iguazu Falls, now making its debut on Atmoph

NEW! 圧巻の迫力を誇るイグアスの滝、Atmoph初登場

Iguazu Falls is a spectacular waterfall that appears downstream of the Iguazu River, which flows along the border between Brazil and Argentina. As the name “Iguazu” means “great water” in the language of the indigenous Guarani people, the sheer volume of water cascading down the 4-km-wide cliffs with an explosive sound is breathtakingly powerful.

The end of the promenade along the river on the Brazilian side is a jetty that juts out over the falls. At the end of the jetty, people gaze at the great falls, known as the “Devil's Throat”. It is the largest waterfall in Iguazu, cascading at a tremendous speed down a drop of about 80 meters with a roaring sound. Enjoy the spectacular view of the Devil's Throat lurking behind the spray and the countless waterfalls spreading out around it.

New Views

  • Iguazu Falls and Rainbow 2 (Paraná)
  • Birds at Parque das Aves 2 (Paraná)
  • Iguazu Falls 1 (Paraná)
  • Iguazu Falls and Rainbow 1 (Paraná)
  • Birds at Parque das Aves 1 (Paraná)
  • Dawn at Iguazu Falls 1 (Paraná)