NEW! A Night in Tbilisi: Experience the Georgian Capital

NEW! ジョージアの首都「トビリシ」から、夜のひとときをお届け

Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, weaves its history since the 5th century on both banks of the Mtkvari River, surrounded by mountains on three sides. In the center of the city, various elements from medieval fortresses to the colorful old town, Soviet-era housing complexes, and state-of-the-art and eccentric buildings come together to create a unique landscape.

At night, the center of the city is bathed in beautiful light. Historic buildings such as the Narikala Fortress and the Metekhi Church are tinted a soft orange, while the Bridge of Peace over the Mtkvari River and the Tbilisi TV Broadcasting Tower on the mountain are lit up in modern colors. Enjoy the night view of Tbilisi, a mixture of old and new, to your heart's content.

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