NEW Views! Promenade that was used to said the "most dangerous" in the world from Andalusia has been added

NEW Views! スリル満点、アンダルシアから「世界一危険」と言われた遊歩道の風景を追加

El Caminito del Rey is a boardwalk on the bluffs of Gaitanes Gorge. It was built in 1905 for flood control construction and became known as the "King's Little Path" after King Alfonso XIII passed through it in 1921 during the completion ceremony of the dam Conde del Guadalhorce.Over the years, the trail deteriorated and was known as a dangerous boardwalk, but it was reconstructed in 2015 and is now a hiking trail with spectacular views of the valley. Enjoy the majestic canyon scenery while imagining what it feels like to walk along a boardwalk built on a cliff over 100m above the water surface.

New Views:

  • Puente Nuevo 2 (Málaga)
  • Olvera 1 (Cádiz)
  • Ala Moana Regional Park 2 (Oahu, Hawaii)
  • Nong Thale 1 (Southern Thailand)
  • El Caminito del Rey 1 (Málaga)
  • Night View of Honolulu 1 (Oahu, Hawaii)