The Atmoph Window 2 has started to arrive to our supporters!

Atmoph Window 2が届き始めています。

We would like to thank you so much for patiently waiting for such a long time. We would also like to thank those supporters still waiting for your Atmoph Window 2 for your ongoing patience.

After overcoming so many obstacles to complete this product, the Atmoph team are truly happy to see people receive their Atmoph Window 2 and to get so much feedback from our supporters every day.

We are also very sorry that not all the features we promised are available yet, and also because we are still troubleshooting teething problems. The whole team are working on these 24/7, and to quickly improve the features with each update. Please let us introduce as many images, videos, and feedback we can. Your comments, of which there are so many we cannot fit them all here, are our mainstay. Thank you.

We hope that in these times when it is difficult to leave home and easy to feel down, that Atmoph Window can at least provide some uplifting relaxation. This is our motivation to work even harder. And we hope in the future too to hear more and more from you, our supporters.