Atmoph Window 2 [Wood] : Updating shipping schedule

To our supporters waiting on delivery of their Atmoph Window 2 (Wood frame), we would like to truly thank you for your patience. We especially would like to apologize for the extensive delay of over six months since the first orders. We have been coordinating with our Chinese manufacturer and delivery partners, and would like to inform you of the latest schedule for dispatch and delivery.

  • October 30th: Arrival of Window body at Nagoya Port
  • November 2nd to 6th: Import procedures
  • November 7th: Transportation to warehouse
  • November 8th - 13th: Attaching of frame
  • November 16th - 17th: Initiation of deliveries

We must again sincerely apologize that scheduled delivery is considerably later than originally forecast. We would like to take the liberty of requesting your kind patience for just this little while longer.

Thank you most sincerely for your support.

From the Atmoph team.