Shipping Schedule for Atmoph Window 2

Delivery to our crowdfunding supporters began last week. We would like to sincerely thank you for your enduring patience. We would like to apologize deeply for keeping you waiting and anxious during this period.

Prior to the outset of COVID-19, we did not fully take into account the time it would take to finalize production, moreover concerned upmost with ensuring the quickest delivery possible, we also failed to communicate properly with those that are most important to us, you our supporters. We would like to especially apologize for this.

In regards to the next production batch, we are currently confirming the production schedule with the factory in China. While the factory in China has managed to restart operations according to schedule, there are still issues with the supply chain. We are very sorry that the upcoming schedule is yet to be fully confirmed, at present, we are aiming for the next delivery to be approximately the end of May.

We are again sorry to keep some of you waiting still. There may be people who feel they can no longer wait, who may prefer to cancel their order. If so, please contact us at and confirm the name and email address you used at the time of ordering. For those supporters kind enough to wait a little longer for the arrival of their Atmoph Window 2, we would like again to express our sincerest gratitude. Please rest assured we are working every day to deliver the best product to you so please look forward to its arrival!