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12-month product warranty from the date of purchase.

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Over 1,700 Original Landscapes in 52 Countries

Our professional videographers have filmed original 6K landscape footages from around the world. The beaches of Hawaii, the streets of London, all of it is yours.

Edition Pass

Beyond Reality. We will warp your room to the world that everyone knows.


Option Modules

Enjoy Atmoph Window Yo more!

Atmoph select


Connects your room with the unseen world




Verified Relaxation Effects

A study measuring brainwave activity after a stress-inducing task in spaces with and without an Atmoph Window installed found that recovery from stress was faster when the Atmoph Window was present. Experiencing the views and sounds from the window contributes to relaxation in both living and working environments. (This study was conducted under the supervision of the Miki Laboratory at Doshisha University, in collaboration with ATR-Promotions Inc. Effects may vary depending on the environment and individual differences.)

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